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太频繁, offsite attendees are treated as afterthoughts in hybrid events, 哪里所有的重点都在房间里的观众身上. But drawing in the remote audience and recognizing the importance of doing so is critical. Innovative strategies abound for drawing in remote viewers and creating more compelling experiences; Stream4Us' Anthony Burokas, LiveX的安娜·考德里报道, 和霍华德 & 的同事' Andy Howard offer some best practices to best engage remote viewers in hybrid events.

太频繁, offsite attendees are treated as afterthoughts in hybrid events, 哪里所有的重点都在房间里的观众身上. But drawing in the remote audience and recognizing the importance of doing so is critical. Innovative strategies abound for drawing in remote viewers and creating more compelling experiences. 安迪·霍华德,创始人 & 董事总经理Howard & 的同事, discusses some best practices to engage remote viewers in hybrid events with Anna Cowdery, 生产商, 独立的, 幸福的, LiveX,以及首席执行官安东尼·布罗卡斯 Stream4us.

Howard argues that there should be more engagement with remote audiences because the on-site audiences have already fully committed to attending the event. “Whereas the online audience -- I'm sure everybody's done this -- you can sign up for a million online webinars and then go to a tenth of them,他说. “So I feel like it's much more important to really up the engagement with the remote audience.他问考德里对这件事的看法.

“I think both [audiences] deserve your time and attention,” Cowdery says. “One of the things I talk to my clients a lot about is how many lives does your content have? 尤其是当你在做品牌发展的时候. To be a thought leader in your industry and better relationships, 你希望你的活动有一定的吸引力. So for your on-prem experience…you kind of have to reward that. 我会说用经验元素来做. 给他们一个拍照的机会, 美味的食物和饮料, an ability to exchange contact information freely and well to reward that on-prem engagement. 然后在网上流传. 每个人都是影响者. 现在, everybody wants to take their picture in front of the step and repeat, but that's also going to elevate your brand when those people are sharing your content.”

Cowdery also emphasizes that it is best to think about a similar level of engagement with the on-prem audience, 尤其是在活动开始前,这样他们就可以在网上宣传了. 她说:“这可以用嘶嘶声来完成。. “Give your attendees the ability to promote, give them assets to say that ‘I'm going to this thing. 我想在那里见到你,即使那是虚拟的.’ Think about content and how long is it going to echo on the inter网. Engagement is number one piece, but you have to think about both [audiences].”

Burokas highlights an example of an organization he worked with that maximized hybrid engagement. He worked with a church that used AirMe “because they actually designed it for engagement,他说. 所以在真正的研讨会开始之前, there's was this open area and they had pictures of little tables, 它会告诉你谁坐在每张桌子旁. You could sit down at the virtual table, and it would pop up a mini 变焦 where you could have a conversation, like you were in the lobby of a real physical space. Then they would have a fellowship part…and then there was another whole room where all of the sponsors had tables and they had videos and literature where you could go between the tables and if you clicked on one of their tables, you could talk with those representatives as if it was a real physical thing.” He says that these virtual experiences mirrored the real-time settings. “还是那个摊贩,摆着同样的桌子, with the same literature…so we tried our best to create an environment whereby it was the same experience.”

Burokas also cites another example of combined engagement at a sporting event. “I also worked with a sports organization…you come to the seminar, 但如果你多付一点钱, 你可以得到签名. 每个人都会通过这个小通道, 他们可以和体育人士交谈, ‘嘿, 我真的很喜欢你的东西. 你能开给米奇吗?’ And he autographs a digital photo of himself to Mickey, and then that gets sent to them as a JPEG. 所以他们得到了一个纪念品. So there's that interaction [where] you're rewarding the remote audience as if they actually got to talk to the person at the table in front of them.”

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