Wall Street Declares Netflix is Back - How the Streamer is Thriving Through Diversification, Personalization, and Optimization
在经历了惨淡的年初之后, Netflix 该公司第三季度的积极报告令投资者感到意外吗. 纳斯达克宣布 直播显示“2023年第三季度的收益为3美元.每股73美元,比Zacks普遍预期高出7美元.8%增长了20%.同比增长3%. 总收入预计为8美元.690亿美元,意味着增长10亿美元.按年增长7%或按外汇中性基准增长12%.”
尽管生活成本迅速上升, Netflix has managed to reduce churn and gain new subscribers by not only cracking down on password sharing and the introduction of its recently launched advertising tier, but also by making it easy for users to pause their subscriptions rather than cancel, 同时增加了更多样化和个性化的节目选择. 主播还将启动一个 在Netflix House开设实体店计划于2025年开业. These moves capitalize on trends that are also showing positive results for other streaming services.
阿曼达·梅斯勒,董事长兼首席执行官 明娜技术, offers several key points of insight into Netflix’s success and continued stance as a dominant player in OTT. “考虑到我们都已经习惯了方便, 具有成本效益的订阅服务, businesses have had to significantly change their approach to how they engage with customers,” she says. “转向更加以消费为基础的模式, ongoing value exchanges and deeper multi-channel content and engagement has become the norm.”
Subscription option flexibility is the key for streamers to remain profitable and relevant in these challenging economic times. “尽管家庭面临经济压力, many consumers opt to return to paid subscriptions just a few months after quitting, 这就是所谓的“流失和回归”现象,” Mesler says. “Six in ten (60%) subscription businesses say that up to a fifth of their users cancel and resubscribe within six months. 因此,启用无缝取消和重新订阅是必不可少的.”
Mesler emphasizes the importance of subscription pausing options as another key retention strategy. “暂停订阅是一项相对较新的功能, 旨在为用户提供更多的灵活性和选择,” she says. “这导致了管理订阅的新渠道的出现, 比如银行应用和聚合器. 在这片土地上, 订阅业务提供灵活的功能是很重要的, 包括暂停功能, 确保所有渠道的经常性收入.”
Providing customers with more value through diversification is now vital in the current streaming ecosystem. This includes more diverse programming and a move out of the online space entirely with brick-and-mortar product offerings and branded retail locations.
“Our research shows that half of subscription businesses prefer diversifying product and service offerings over cost-cutting to mitigate against economic volatility and change in the coming year,” Mesler says. “We’ve recently seen great examples of this from Netflix with its move into live content – with the upcoming Netflix Cup, its first live sports event, and the scheduled opening of new retail and dining outlets in 2025. Netflix has also previously dipped its toe into the retail market as part of promotional campaigns for hit shows, 包括一个冰淇淋系列,灵感来自 Stranger Things,在沃尔玛独家销售.”
Netflix is even making moves into the video game space as yet another path of diversification for its users. “该平台拥有 与开发商育碧合作 to work on several big-name titles and is planning the launch of cloud-streamed games as this approach seems to have been identified as an area of potential growth,” Mesler says.
Enhanced personalization is necessary for any service to maintain an edge over the competition.
“Leveraging user data and AI are now necessary for subscription businesses looking to boost personalization. In fact, our research showed that almost all companies (94%) use first-party data collection to enhance their service for their customers,” Mesler says. 随着第三方cookie的逐步淘汰, media businesses are looking to establish more comprehensive first-party data strategies to boost both advertising and subscription revenues.”
Giving subscribers a sense of control of their viewing habits is important to retaining loyalty to a service. “Leveraging data also allows for enhanced personalization across the full subscriber lifecycle, 包括订阅包装, pricing, promotions, 以及基于订阅者观看历史和分析的推荐,” Mesler says. “Ultimately, 这使企业能够将控制权授予订阅者, choice, 他们要求的便利和提供的无缝衔接, 全渠道客户体验.”
通过迅速适应大流行后不断变化的流媒体环境, Netflix has rebounded back to its previous dominant stance in the marketplace by using the tactics outlined by 明娜技术. 为了在不断变化的流媒体市场中生存和发展, all services should take note of Netflix’s litheness and willingness to grow beyond the past streaming programming models and into retail, gaming, 现场娱乐场所.
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