Post-Peak Performance in the M&E宇宙
The recent Subscription Wars report commissioned by U.K.总部位于美国的数字支付科技公司Bango指出,消费者对订阅服务的整体分裂状态感到不满,而间接订阅选项和通过澳大利亚Optus等电信公司销售的超级捆绑服务的吸引力越来越大. 也许这是不那么鼓舞人心的时代的另一个迹象,消费者认为流媒体服务能为他们做的最好的事情就是停止从人群中脱颖而出,开始消失在人群中.
All-in-One Streaming Tools Let You Do It All—But Should You?
今天, 在今天的生产硬件中,我们看到了类似的特性和能力的集合, enabling one person to "do it all!" This begs the question: Should you do it all?
Live Sports Streaming and the Edison Tone Test
毫无疑问,体育直播有着利润丰厚、令人眼花缭乱的未来. But first, it needs to get past the Tone Test stage.
Effective K–12 Video Strategies
过去10年的革命性变化使教师甚至学生都能接触到生产技术. 四年前, 当然, 几乎每个人都被迫依靠教育视频来维持学校的正常运转. 今天, 我们可以确定几个特别有效的教师制作的教育视频用例.
Should We Trust Nielsen Math?
After reviewing Nielsen/Gracenote's 2023 State of Play report, Data-Driven Personalization: The Future of Streaming Content Discovery, I found the numbers they cited to be very much on the creative side. I don't get a warm, fuzzy feeling when I think about their research.
Is 2024 the Year of WebRTC?
With large sports-streaming operators, WebRTC provides a real opportunity for ultra-low-latency streaming. But those same operators, which spend billions on licensing rights, 不能用SSAI和DRM等基本的OTT功能来交换实时流媒体内容的能力.
For 在线直播 生产商s, Tables of Gear Are Still a Good Idea
While the All-In-One live production and streaming tools grow and mature, 让我们确保牢记备份解决方案,以确保成功的生产—即使它仍然意味着一个满表的设备.
Dances with Wolves
大多数经历过2023年好莱坞罢工的人都有理由在11月11日欢呼. 8月8日,SAG-AFTRA和AMPTP达成了一项初步协议,据称解决了主要引发罢工的人工智能相关纠纷(以及流媒体剩余的僵局)。. But that resolution came with a significant compromise.
WCAG 2.2, Web Content Accessibility Standards, and You
Instead of a patchwork of accessibility standards for California, 伊利诺斯州, 欧洲, and everywhere else, 当前的标准是由来自业界的广泛专家制定的,并由万维网联盟(W3C)作为Web内容可访问性指南(WCAG)发布。.
The State of CTV Advertising
Ad buying is changing. 例如, 现在,你可以从一家对当地观看数据有深入了解的机构那里购买, 或者你可以去找电视制造商,他们对其硬件上的所有观看情况都有深入的了解.
With Social Video Sizing, Serve Your Viewers What They’re Hungry For
想要在Insta上观看你的流媒体的客户不希望将水平视频硬塞进垂直帧中. 观看水平版本的顾客不希望在垂直切片后面模糊同样的东西来填充框架. Each of those customers is hungry for that particular experience. It's your job to give your customers what they are hungry for.
8 Lessons Surfing Can Teach 在线直播 生产商s
I had the opportunity to try and learn to surf earlier this year. 我很高兴我上了这些课,因为我很快就发现冲浪有多难. 在, 失败, 受伤, 看, 和学习, 我看到了我在水上的经验和流媒体业务之间的一些相似之处——这也不像看起来那么容易.
Everything in Streaming Has Its Price
This column isn't meant to be a downer, especially because the overall economy seems to be plugging along. 但它的目的是让业内人士分享你所面临的痛点的轶事和故事. We know that everything in streaming has its price, 但你能更好地帮助我们全面了解这个价格的含义.
Personalization Is 更多的 Than What You Think It Can Be
With advances with generative AI, just-intime transcoding, SSAI缝合, and other streaming video tech stack components, 像Infuse Video这样的公司正在证明视频个性化的真正愿景——改变视频内容本身——终于触手可及了.
The Argument for Addressable Advertising
对于本专栏, I spoke with Larry Allen, 康卡斯特广告公司副总裁兼数据和可寻址实现总经理, 关于一个决定性的问题:“什么是可寻址广告?“可寻址”一词指的是针对数字和广播库存,并能够在家庭层面上购买受众群体.
Backward Design for Educational 视频制作
软件开发人员在前端开发的易访问性问题和基本概念(如标记控制元素和向辅助技术(屏幕阅读器)报告状态更改)方面接受了培训,这些都是专业开发人员代码测试过程的一部分. Despite this progress, 两种截然不同的力量正在旋转,它们有可能阻碍技术更好地包容残疾人的趋势.
Amazon Prime Adds Ad-Supported: Not Too Late for Tiers
9月22日,不出所料,亚马逊即将加入Netflix, 迪斯尼+, 通过增加广告支持的订阅层来观看其在美国的优质内容.S.,美国.K., Germany, and Canada. Prime毕竟是Prime,它的做法与其他顶级巨头略有不同. 而不是为那些精打细算的观众提供降低的订阅价格,他们愿意忍受付费节目中的一些广告, Amazon is making the ad tier the default and tacking on $2.99 to its ad-free tier.
Evidence That Survives Time
From war crimes to war crime tribunals and war commemorations, how do we guarantee that content is available to play?
‘Bulletproof’ Needs to Be a Standard Feature for Production Gear
市场上不完美的装备比以往任何时候都要多——我们不能指望每一辆车都有这样的装备. Gear that can't deliver reliable video. 特性 that work and then don't. Devices that connect and then don't. We've lost core reliability. Bulletproof needs to be a feature.
Stars, Strikes, Streaming, and a Reckoning on Rock-Bottom Residuals