8 Lessons Surfing Can Teach 在线直播 生产商s
I had the opportunity to try and learn to surf earlier this year. 看起来很简单,对吧? Stand on the board, and the water pushes you forward. It’s kind of like producing a live stream: People appear, 你把相机对准他们, tap buttons to switch between them, 上线, and you have a perfect live streamed event, 正确的?
我以前从来没有冲浪过,所以我选择上冲浪课,以防它不像看起来那么容易. 当我在水上的时候, I saw people walking around on their boards, 向后站, 和狗狗一起冲浪, 做倒立——真的. I figured I could be doing that in no time.
但我很高兴我上了这些课,因为我很快就发现冲浪有多难. 在, 失败, 受伤, 看, 和学习, 我看到了我在水上的经验和流媒体业务之间的一些相似之处——这也不像看起来那么容易.
1. 以做为条件: You need to be ready when the time comes for you to perform. 我看着这些家伙在海浪中划桨,好像他们的冲浪板下面有一个马达. I’d paddle, and it was like I was standing still. I got off and walked the board back out to the waves a few times. The conditioning surfers require to do what they do, and making it look so effortless, 来自于每天都去做.
The same goes with live production. You get better and things become more natural when you do it more often. 你知道会发生什么. 你知道该去哪里. 你已经为下一件事做好了准备,而不用去想它. 这种“条件反射”来自于做它——即使“它”只是排练和测试.
2. 专注: 身体上、精神上、环境上——冲浪的每一个方面都集中在一个瞬间. 课间我一直在旅馆里看电视上的冲浪比赛. 这些专业人士在10英尺到12英尺的海浪上冲浪,按照他们的标准,这是很小的. I watched how the surfers would focus on a wave, 定位自己, and then work hard to make the best run possible, 或者在需要的时候进行救助.
这需要完全的情境意识、精神集中和身体能力来实现. We tend to consume a lot of coffee and energy drinks on a production, because the need to focus is equally important. 你不仅要注意自己在做什么,还要注意别人在做什么. 你在跟随演出的运行,你总是注意到可能出现的问题.
3. Be in the 正确的 place at the 正确的 time: 冲浪者或流线者, you could be the most skilled person at what you’re doing, 但如果你在错误的时间出现在错误的地点,你的技能也救不了你. 在冲浪, 海浪跟随世界范围内的天气状况而变化,当你在水中时是看不到的. Whether flying around the world to different surf locations, 或者无论你在哪里划桨,都要把自己定位在水里的正确位置, 你需要做好准备.
同样的, 当我们举办活动时, 我们需要知道比例, 我们报道的是谁和什么, 他们会去哪里,什么时候去, and what’s going to happen there, in order to make sure we have gear in the 正确的 places to cover it all. 然后,装备需要由具有态势感知能力的人来操作,以获得正确的射击. 排练会有所帮助,但从一开始就把装备放在正确的地方也很重要.
4. 放眼地平线之外有几次, as I was learning to read the water, that I’d be ready to go for a wave I thought I saw coming, but the instructor told me to wait, because he saw something else further behind. 微小的小波表明有更大的水流可以把我带到更远的地方. He knew to look beyond the one 正确的 in front of me.
现场生产, what’s happening 正确的 in front of us is important, 但是一个好的制片人/导演也会着眼于下一件事——“更大的图景”,可以这么说. This way, they can be ready for what might catch others by surprise. If you ever listen to the call of a major league sporting event, 主任要求在可能需要的时候把东西提前准备好. Will that rookie player be called on the field? 把他的包裹准备好. Are they going to call a timeout? 得到广告时间的提示. 他们是要踢还是要跑? 作为一名优秀的导演,你应该思考30秒或更长时间,而不是你眼前所看到的.
5. 永远要有礼貌: 当我学习冲浪的时候,我总是被冲浪板上的其他人包围着. 为了让我(或其他任何人)能够充分利用机会,我需要我周围的人足够有礼貌,不要偷走我的机会, 或者撞倒我. And I needed to do the same for them. Multiple surfers may jockey for position on a wave, and who actually gets to ride nearly always follows a negotiation.
在生产中, 有很多人和我们做着同样的事情——其他制作人, 其他摄影机操作员, 等. 我们可能会竞争一个演出,我们可能会互相推荐演出,我们甚至可能在一个演出上一起工作. 即使有竞争, we’re all riding the same surf together, so it’s good business to always be courteous.
6. 在你成功之前不要假装; 在冲浪, you can get hurt really easily in many ways. 我跳下冲浪板,试着跑过水面,以便更快地回到海浪中, 被一只海胆盯上了. 脚趾上的小刺. I didn’t listen to the instructor who said to stay on the board. 我以为我更清楚. 我学会了谦卑.
When you’re starting out in live video, 或者转移到一个新的领域, a good mentor can help you learn a lot very quickly. 通过让导师和老师帮助你避免你甚至看不到的错误,你也会学到很多东西. 你该认错了. There is always someone that knows more about something than you do. Start with that mindset and things go a lot better.
7. 保持专注直到最后: 当我做得更好的时候, 有一些波浪, and surfed them nearly all the way to shore, it’s easy to get cocky and lose focus. That will knock you in the water as fast as you can slip. 我可以告诉你,在一块光滑而摇晃的冲浪板上,水会很滑.
It’s easy to be distracted by everything going on all around you, but you need to stay focused on what you are doing, in order to make sure everything goes smoothly all the way through. How many times do we see a game decided in the final seconds? The show’s not over until it’s really over. 保持专注到最后.
8. 从错误中吸取教训: I fell down in the surf many times. 从失败中,我学到了一点如何不再重蹈覆辙,以及为什么. 从错误中学习, 以及我做错了什么, 我变得更善于做正确的事,并一路走到岸边.
我们将冗余整合到实时生产中,因为我们从经验中知道,事情会失败. 尽管如此,还是会犯错误. 所以,我们改变做事的方式,以避免下次犯同样的错误. Learning from failures informs what we do today. It also makes us mentally resilient enough to handle problems, 然后继续, to be more successful at what we do.
今天, 在今天的生产硬件中,我们看到了类似的特性和能力的集合, enabling one person to "do it all!" This begs the question: Should you do it all?
而一体机直播制作和流媒体工具的发展和成熟, 让我们确保牢记备份解决方案,以确保成功的生产—即使它仍然意味着一个满表的设备.
想要在Insta上观看你的流媒体的客户不希望将水平视频硬塞进垂直帧中. 观看水平版本的顾客不希望在垂直切片后面模糊同样的东西来填充框架. Each of those customers is hungry for that particular experience. It's your job to give your customers what they are hungry for.
市场上不完美的装备比以往任何时候都要多——我们不能指望每一辆车都有这样的装备. Gear that can't deliver reliable video. 特性 that work and then don't. Devices that connect and then don't. 我们已经失去了核心可靠性. Bulletproof needs to be a feature.
FAST programming needs space for the commercials. Unless you intentionally craft that space into your show, it just slices into your content randomly, 破坏了叙事内容的气氛,让观众在节目进入“精彩部分”时感到沮丧." Watching YouTube content on a Roku device is like this now. 在一个场景中间随机的插播广告是非常烦人的.
我们使用的生产和通信工具与云的联系越来越紧密, 利用它就是打开了一扇可能性和额外能力的门. 你今天想去哪里?
The pendulum has swung back away from streaming for a brief period, but COVID opened millions of eyes to the power, 能力, and convenience of streaming—for the providers and the attendees. 它也帮助很多人意识到这并不像看起来那么容易. 在不久的将来,我看到的最终结果是将钟摆推向更多的流媒体——以及更多种类的流媒体