几年来, I’ve worked at a monetization-focused conference that has featured deep debates on probabilistic versus deterministic measurement. Each time I start to hear this kind of chatter, I smile, nod, and quickly leave the room.
但对于我们这些关注流媒体广告行业和广告技术的人来说, it’s important to have a working knowledge of these topics even if prolonged debates on their relative merits send us running for the exits. 对于本专栏, 我和拉里·艾伦谈过, 数据和可寻址实现的副总裁兼总经理 康卡斯特广告, about a question that lands firmly on the deterministic side: “What is addressable advertising?” 的 term “addressable” refers to targeting digital and broadcast inventory and being able to buy audience segments on a household level.
根据… 进行可寻址行业调查在美国,73%的营销人员正在使用addressable,同比增长16%. 更重要的是, 47% of advertisers who responded to the survey said that addressable played an important or very important role in the negotiation of their upfront.
Now that linear broadcast no longer dominates the ad-supported media and entertainment space, advertisers need data to link an audience’s ad exposures deterministically to an outcome, 艾伦说. 广告商关注的大多数数据都反映了他们对优质内容的定位, 但这种方法也适用于非付费内容. “一切都与家庭住址相匹配,艾伦解释道, “但还有其他标识符可以与之关联. 它们可能是行为属性, 购买属性, 或来自其他来源的第三方许可数据.”
In 今年的预支, 艾伦说, “addressable and streaming were a big part of conversations because advertisers rightfully are trying to follow the audience. 因此,他们现在需要跨线性和数字渠道进行购买谈判. 他们在想,‘我怎样才能跨平台地接触到我的用户?其中一个重要原因是更好的投资回报率衡量.”
Advertisers can buy addressable either through guaranteed or biddable buys with 免费的Wheel or other supply-side platforms. “Anybody who’s selling advertising wants to unify all that inventory into a single bucket so that they can have the most scale and reach against any given target that a buyer wants to go after,艾伦说。. 他说,Addressable有效地回答了“谁是我的听众”这个问题?”
一个可寻址的广告支持服务, 艾伦解释说, “can make a deterministic match between an advertiser’s desired audience target and their subscribers and activate them within their ad inventory.” This is what makes their ad inventory valuable, he 说s, even if they don’t have scale yet.
Deterministic data is supposed to be accurate 信息 that can be supplied by viewers directly, 或者它可以结合个人
可识别的元素,如姓名或电子邮件地址. Probabilistic data comprises individual pieces of 信息, such as a device’s
操作系统或IP地址. 当缺少提供的数据时,这些数据用于定位. 换句话说,概率情景是
基于一组有代表性的观众. If a FAST service reaches 2 million people, the representative panel may not be represented
在200万观众中. 如果是这样的话, 据艾伦说, “他们不能使用第三方测量服务来验证他们的库存
并据此卖出. 如果你是一个快速频道, you’ve got no understanding of who your audience is unless you have a third-party measurement
服务让你知道谁在看你的东西. 目前对这些环境的测量状态非常弱.”
有多少FAST内容是作为可寻址内容出售的? “我不知道确切的百分比,艾伦说。, “but if the underlying platform carrying the FAST content has the tech enabled and provides inventory with the ability to match to the deterministic customers, 这是有可能的.
“Comcast is making this capability available to FAST partners on our footprint,” he continues. 免费的Wheel和其他广告服务器正在提供印象报告. 我不会考虑这个测量.他接着列举了VideoAmp, Comscore, 和尼尔森的服务,可以衡量当今的可寻址库存.
“与我们交谈过的品牌都非常关心如何增加受众.e., finding the last 15 or 20% of their audience that are really hard to reach,艾伦说。. 的 premise is that addressable finds this audience and is more productive than buying, 说, 特定市场区域(DMA)的18- 49岁人口.
“我们认为这是一个可以很好地解决问题的领域,也是一个好处,艾伦解释道, “because if you’re putting an ad in front of people who actually are interested in something, 这很好.”
艾伦表示,频率仍然是一个紧迫的问题. “这是一个痛点,有几个原因. First, it’s bad for a consumer experience when you see the same ad over and over again.” This could mean seeing the same ad in one service or multiple services within a short time frame. “在很多情况下发生这种情况的原因是,他解释道, 是因为这些服务的碎片化, 它们不一定总是有相同的id.”
更重要的是, 他的报告, “在这一点上,只有一半的活动甚至是频率上限, 根据我们对免费的Wheel的研究, 这不是很好. Being able to use an addressable signal allows you to de-duplicate and frequency-cap.”
的 2022年康卡斯特广告报告 他说,买家在扩大影响力方面仍面临挑战, 提到成本和频率控制是最大的障碍. 的 study of billions of impressions concluded that advertisers should be taking two measures to maximize reach and frequency:
- Allocate 20%–30% of premium video budget toward streaming and the rest to traditional TV.
- 将30%的印象分配给高目标用户, 可寻址的策略, 把剩下的印象分配给更广泛的人, 数据驱动的电视和跨网络的流媒体.
的 key argument in favor of addressable is that the ability to connect customer 信息 to both viewing behaviors and consumption behaviors makes advertisers more aware of how they think about planning and buying. “Once you know who’s watching or who potentially could be watching something and that they’re likely to transact,艾伦说。, “难道你不想买那些人吗??”
在看过Nielsen/Gracenote的2023年游戏状态报告后, 数据驱动的个性化:流媒体内容发现的未来, 我发现他们引用的数字非常有创意. 当我想到他们的研究时,我没有一种温暖、模糊的感觉.
广告购买正在改变. 例如, now you can buy from an agency that has deep knowledge of data around local viewing, or you can go to a TV manufacturer that has deep knowledge of all of the viewing on its hardware.
现在,广告收入正通过购买CTV从广播转向数字, maybe we need to accept that the measurement standards for digital and broadcast are always going to differ.
互联网培养了人们不断做出改变的能力, so how come national broadcast advertising is still being transacted in the upfronts (the same format that started in 1962), which require an annual dollar and audience-reach commitment in advance to buy and sell advertising?
去年11月在流媒体西部, 我主持了一个关于如何保持广告工作流程流畅的小组讨论. 的 discussion yielded a number of valuable insights on the state of streaming advertising, including 5 key takeaways on the biggest challenges we face with advertising in the OTT world today.
从战略上讲,流媒体传输需要更多的广告商. 广告是媒体商业模式的必要组成部分, but by not being nimble enough to attract more advertising and somehow sell digital the same way cable and broadcast are sold, 数字服务正在搬起石头砸自己的脚.
广告技术每年带来数十亿美元的收入. So why can't people understand what it is, how it works, and why they should care?
关于 one-third of users of ad-based streaming services click on and subsequently purchase items, 根据Parks Associates. 所以从长远来看,订阅可能更便宜?
OTT广告技术正处于十字路口, 随着品牌努力与消费者建立关系而不疏远他们. 以下是广告科技行业面临的一些最大问题, 以及一些可能的答案.